241 Randy Newman – Sail Away

Randy Newman’s third studio album, finds the singer/songwriter at the beginning of a great career with a beautiful blend of orchestrated pop,  stripped-down insight and humor.  You listen to Randy and you are going to learn something.


One response to “241 Randy Newman – Sail Away”

  1. Fred

    I don’t understand Randy Newman. Is it actually music or is it a parody of music? A satire of music? It’s not Weird Al. It’s not Mark Russell. But it’s also not, not those things. Is Randy Newman a comedian? Is he a singer? What am I supposed to do with these “songs”? Am I supposed to go, “oh, what a clever turn of phrase” and chortle. Is listening to this “music” supposed to make me feel smart? Are these like MadTV sketches set to music? Is this a music review or a clever parody of a music review? Is this cynical social commentary on the absurdity of music reviews? Maybe it’s a loving homage to music reviews that satirizes their cliches but also exemplifies what they do best? Do you feel smart reading this? Call me Pixar, I hope I’ve passed the audition.

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