295 Paul McCartney and Wings – Band on the Run

In the summer of 73, known vegetarian and former professional bassist, Paul McCartney and wife Linda (henceforth known as McCartney2) booked studio time in Lagos, Nigeria for the recording of Wings’ third album.

Mere days before recording was to take place, both the drummer and guitarist yelled “Wings suuuuuccckkks” and quit the band. With no time to hire new lackeys, McCartney2  decided they would do it themselves.

Gather round, children, and hear this tale of woe


Rich people bitching about studio conditions in a war-torn country.

Knife-point robbery of baubles, riches, and the lesser valuable lyrics/demos.

Potential heatstroke.

Ginger Baker playing a can full of gravel on Picasso’s Last Words (Drink To Me).

And so much more…


Jon, Ben, Solange, Rob & Birch discuss McCartney’s best output since The Beatles imploded.



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