725 Stereo MC’s – Connected

One response to “725 Stereo MC’s – Connected”
*British people hear a type of music* https://giphy.com/gifs/hero0fwar-tim-and-eric-5wWf7GMbT1ZUGTDdTqM The blues, R&B, reggae, sure, but rap?! The audacity of these people. You almost have to admire it.
And the worst thing is that this album is pretty good. A bit insignificant for inclusion on a list like this, but I figure the author wanted to be sure every single British person who was alive in the 90’s was on here somewhere. But when the guy starts rapping it is almost as ridiculous as that album cover.
Is that the top of a set of headphones or some type of cerebro-like mind power amplifying helmet? “Oi bruv, we gotta snake and the earth and mushrooms and a volcano but it’s missing summit, innit?” “How about a lightning bolt?” “Brilliant mate!”
This album wasn’t bad. I knew the single and liked it alright and the rest of the album is pretty similar to it. Kinda silly but not bad. Better than a lot of other stuff on this list but not essential in my opinion. Still, there are worse ways to spend an hour.
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